Every now and then a flash of fear comes across us as we ride our bikes across America. Especially as we spend so much time on rural roads it is not uncommon to be greeted by dogs excited to see new people -- even ones wearing strange clothes and approaching quickly on bicycles. Some are friendly and some see us as the highlight of their day chasing us far off their land.
As we ride we sometimes talk among ourselves of dog strategies to manage the situation. Some cyclists like the "squirt the dog with your water bottle" theory. Others are more in the "I don't have to be fast, just faster than you" theory, meaning they just have to out ride the slowest rider in our group. A few suggest just yelling out in an authoritative voice, "NO!"
No matter the theory -- when you hear the barking come up behind you, it is hard not to have a knee jerk reaction and just pedal as fast as you can. This has happened several times on our trip. But many of us, especially those riding the whole coast to coast, know that it can also be our fellow rider Terry barking after a new rider!
Terry, a fifty-something Canadian man, with a grey pony tail, is one of our better practical jokers. He has come up behind some of the riders and started his very real sounding bark --- only to watch riders bolt down the road hoping to avoid the huge dog they hear.
On Friday nights, like last night, we give each other "awards" -- small tokens of appreciation or jokes from the week of riding. On two occassions Terry has received awards from newer riders. A month ago a younger 20 year-old victim of this joke gave Terry a bone and last week another practical joker found himself a victim as well to Terry's barking. He gave Terry a leash.
Our ride is coming to a close. But this is one of the fun memories I will take with me.
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